Einstein’s Birthday, Pi Day
It’s Einstein’s birthday and Pi day! Check out these links for some educational, nerdy programs to celebrate March 14.
Wonder and Fear: Thinking Two Thoughts at Once
The art of thinking two thoughts at once. In the wonders of living, experiences that seemingly contradict each other can co-exist.
Excellence: Why It Matters
Not only excellence makes good business sense, it also enhances people’s experiences and fulfills our lives.
Gravitational Waves, MIT Letter, Why We Do Science
Today, the National Science Foundation, MIT, and Caltech made the announcement that they have detected gravitational waves for the first time, confirming Einstein’s theory from 100 years ago.
Consciousness of Time: Wisdom in the Sabbath
Sabbath is a reminder for us to live with consciousness of time, a balance by which everything is scaled against eternity.
Stony Island Arts Bank: Chicago Highlight
The Stony Island Arts Bank is a gem in the South Side of Chicago. It houses a wealth of historical and cultural resources on Black lives in America.
How to Save Money on Audible Membership
Tips on how to save money on Audible membership during sign up and after you’ve become a member.
Introducing Josephine’s Letter
Introducing Josephine’s Letter, a free e-letter filled with books, quotes, and interesting articles from the web straight to your inbox. Sign up here!
Before Learning: The Role of Awe in Life and Learning
What takes places before learning? There must be an initial inequality between the learner and the teacher. Here we explore the role of awe in life and learning.