What If: Newest Addition to Our Nerdy Home

What If: Newest Addition to Our Nerdy Home

As the self-designated curator of the Elia-Loi library, I added Randall Munroe’s What If to our collection using the promotional credit I received from Amazon Prime Day. The full title is What If: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions. Awesome....

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Go Set A Watchman: A Conversation Starter

I love Go Set A Watchman (GSAW). I enjoy GSAW as a book, but I love it ever more as a phenomenon. From the story of how the manuscript was discovered, the speculation on whether or not Harper Lee was forced to publish it, the debate on whether it should or shouldn’t...

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Happiness Is Pursuit

Happiness Is Pursuit

When I look back to the time periods I’ve felt happiest, I’d say they are times when I am in intense pursuit of some goal—knowledge, skill, project, service, mission, etc. Before somebody lectures me about happiness vs. joy, I want to say that I am not talking about...

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The Paper Towel Problem

The Paper Towel Problem

In the women’s bathroom on my office floor, there are these paper towel dispensers that frustrate me on a regular basis.   They’re just the standard paper towel dispensers that you pull out folded white paper towels from the bottom. No sensor, no lever, just...

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9 Feeds to Follow If You Love Reading

9 Feeds to Follow If You Love Reading

Photo credit: dryicons   If you love books and book reviews, these websites are excellent resources to find new reading materials.   The New York Times > Books I love the NYT! More often than not, I get that satisfied feeling after reading its...

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Book Trail: Beloved

Beloved by Toni Morrison   How I Came Across the Title Some time last year, I saw this Toni Morrison’s interview with Stephen Colbert (I miss Colbert!). She said something amazing. After 20-something years, she read Beloved again a few weeks before the interview....

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Book Review: Beloved

Toni Morrison, Beloved, Penguin Putnam Inc., 1998. Chilling. Powerful. Mysterious. Beautiful. Like a painting.   Beloved is a work of art. And like many pieces of art, there are aspects of it that I don’t understand. I’m not too left-brained, however, to miss the...

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Book Trail: Thinking, Fast and Slow

How I Came Across the Title The real question is, How could I not come across Thinking, Fast and Slow? The book was displayed wherever books were sold when it came out in 2011. I was always tempted to buy it due to its very intriguing title, but that year was when I...

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Why Christians Should Read

Why Christians Should Read

This post was featured in Joseph Nally's blog last year.   When you open the front cover of a book, you symbolically open a door to your mind. You are letting the author of that book to enter your being and make changes there.   Reading is a form of...

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