The Perfect Sentence
Photo credit: Designed by Freepik Every writer, I dare say, is in search for the perfect sentence—words stringed with meaning and laced with beauty. It is a sentence that creates a certain mystical air by words both written and implied. To a reader, such...
Why I Love Being an Adventist
Three reasons why I love being an Adventist. A sense of identity, individually and communally, the Sabbath, and a sense of mission.
My Bookstore and Me
The story of my bookstore and me, once upon a summer. A reflection on buying books and its plethora of options.
Gifted Voice
In the wake of the South Carolina shooting, NPR broadcasted several short interviews with those who personally knew Rev. Clementa Pinckney. The one thing they kept on mentioning was his voice—how wonderful and impactful his voice was. Curious, I looked up a...
Why I Love Being an Engineer
An engineer’s work is often invisible, hidden in the background. But the results are indispensable in society.
I Live Now
The recent happenings and discussions surrounding race relations in America have prompted me to return to an old blog post from 3 years ago, If I Lived Then. It was penned after digesting a series of historical books, on World War II, on the British abolitionist...
OK, But Not OK. Not OK, but OK.
My reading journey through Thinking, Fast and Slow, Part 3 I care whether what I believe is true. I care whether or not my perceptions equal reality. I want the correlation between how I think things are and how things really are to be 100%. This is much like...
When Size Matters
My reading journey through Thinking, Fast and Slow, Part 2 Over the next year and an half, the North American news media will be inundated with polls. Who leads in what polls and what margin does one have over another. There is nothing wrong with polls, except...
Don’t Jump!
My reading journey through Thinking, Fast and Slow, Part 1 I’m thoroughly enjoying my journey through Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman. This book is a must-read for anyone who cares whether the mechanism by which they think, process information, and...