Book Trail: Just Mercy

Reading is like treasure hunting. Usually, my casual reading materials follow a theme over some time. One book leads to another; one subject prompts questions on a related matter. Maybe I need time to let the thoughts simmer in my head before moving on to other...

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Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption

Bryan Stevenson, Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption (Spiegel & Grau, 2014) It has been a while since I’ve heard or read about a life so impressive as Bryan Stevenson’s, author of Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption. His chosen line of work, or...

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A Year with COTA

Leading up to GYC: Before Men and Angels, it seemed more than fitting to embark on a year-long project to read the Conflict of the Ages (COTA) series. Hence, back in January 2013, the time when all resolutions were made, I began reading Patriarchs and Prophets with...

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The Most Impossible Thing

There is something to be said about asking. When we ask for something, we put ourselves in a vulnerable place, because the answer to the request may be a “No.” The aftermath of that answer may send us to a whirlwind of disappointment and hurt, and at the next...

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Am I Blind?

Ever wondered if the colors you were seeing were the same colors everybody else saw? My favorite color is green. It has always been green since I was in my mother’s womb—I am convinced of it. Green is the color of life, the essence of any beautiful scenery. In fact,...

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The View From My Neighbor’s Shoes

Isn’t is a wonder that it doesn’t take 20/20 vision, glasses, or contact lenses to notice the tiny faults in other people? Out of all the faults ever existed in the universe, the hardest ones to see are my own. There’s this really wise saying that asks a cute...

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2012: Blog Highlights

Year in Review, part 3. Because I read a lot last year, I could write a lot. I had a personal target on the number of blog hits, and thanks to the endorsement of some popular friends, I surpassed that target by a few hundreds. I write to clarify my own thought...

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God’s Humility

Before Men and Angels, part 1 Thoughts from reading the Conflict of the Ages (COTA) series. Join the COTA in a Year reading group on Facebook. In the opening chapter of the series, Why Was Sin Permitted, the stage for the controversy between good and evil is set. In...

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