Teach Me To Dream
This Is My Story, part 7 If you asked me during my early college years what I wanted to do when I grew up, I’d tell you: to be an ordinary, good person. You know, do good things in life, graduate, work, get married, have a family, et cetera. I once asked my...
The Highest Education
The highest education is not contained within the perimeters of privileged schools; it’s in the communion with the Greatest Teacher in the universe.
My Father’s Legacy
This Is My Story, part 5 November is a big month in my family, since it contains five big celebratory events: both of my parents’ and my birthdays, my parents’ anniversary, and my baptism anniversary, with the latter two having the same date. When my father passed...
Unlikely Friends
This Is My Story, part 4 One of life’s greatest joys is meeting new people and finding kindred spirits, those you can resonate in particular ways of thinking. The effect is energizing, it’s as if you’ve been friends for ages, or should have been friends before....
The Person Inside
This Is My Story, part 3: How a Quiet Girl Found Her Voice. When God came into my life, He liberated me from me. If you had known me when I was a teenager, spanning the time I was in middle school, high school, and early college, you would’ve known me as a quiet and...
Lady Vera
This Is My Story, part 2 The first great gift God gave to me came in the form of my parents. Today is my mother’s 55th birthday and this post is dedicated to her. Born in Bali, my mother is the validation of my weak and thin claim that I have roots in a most exotic...
The Richest Girl In The World
This Is My Story, part I. In a few weeks, I’ll be turning into an age that I’ve been looking forward to for a while. And as it usually goes around this time, I automatically go into reflection mode. This year’s reflection mode, however, is in extra high gear since I’m...
The Reader’s Resolution
Hi, my name is Josephine, and I’m an obsessive bookworm. About 11 months ago, I wrote about my ridiculous (or maybe not so ridiculous) excursion to Barnes & Nobles in The Reader’s Dilemma, and the ever-so-crucial life decision of choosing between two different...
Waiting’s Over
When one knows of an impending crisis, the prudent thing to do is to prepare. The more serious the crisis, the greater and more elaborate the preparation. But if the crisis is real, this preparation time will not go on forever. There will be a time when it’s done, and...