Honduras: Rain
We came back to Buena Vista and were greeted by torrential rain. I wondered if our room was safe since there had been some leaks on a rainy night before. Sure enough, when we got back, many people’s mattresses got soaked. One of the guys mattresses on the top bunk was...
Honduras: Higher Than My Plans
So far, my experience in Honduras had been mostly ‘private’ ministries. They were a blessing for sure, but I did tell God that I wanted to experience visiting the local people also. Friday morning, an opportunity opened up for me to go with Diana and Raquel to Talanga...
Honduras: Faithfulness
On day 3, I worked with the construction team in the girls’ dorm. Ryan, GYC construction coordinator, said “You can start with sanding the wall.” I was like, what’s that? I had no idea walls need to be sanded, and I thought I was supposed to rub sand on to the wall....
Honduras: Joseph’s Cave
The mission trip group was generally split into two main groups, the medical and construction team. The medical team would have clinic during the day either in El Suyatal, La Ermita, or Agalteca, come back to Buena Vista at about 3:30 PM to shower quickly and get...
Honduras: Introducing Buena Vista
Coming to this trip, I said that I’d take any task or duty as lessons from God. Interestingly enough, I was mostly assigned to in-house duties for the first few days. On day 1, after worship, orientation, and lunch, I was part of the team that organized evangelism...
Honduras: The Arrival
I left home Sunday, August 7, 2011 at 3:30 AM to go to the airport. Wayne was very gracious to drive me there at such wee hours of the morning. Friends in need are friends indeed. The deal was that he would get half a star in his crown for everyone I reached in...
Honduras: Mis cosas favoritas!
1. The mountains The richest person on earth cannot buy them, but there they were, grand and majestic, at your disposal. Lush green hills and ridges that surrounded Buena Vista were to me the epitome of a luxurious life. 2. Avocados Oy, the avocados were plentiful. I...
Honduras: The Prelude
All the world's a classroom. When I wrote out my goals for 2011 about seven months ago (new year's resolutions - remember those?), one of the things I listed was discomfort. I have become aware that my life has consisted mostly of things that I am already familiar...
In Obscurity
In the life of a tree, at one point it breaks through the soil and shows the first visible evidence of its existence. It would then move on to grow into a massive, gargantuan tree, soaring up into the sky, sturdy and unmovable. But even the oaks, sycamores, and the...