Reading Life
Find out what’s going on in my reading life.
Lessons Learned One Year After Blog Relaunch
Celebrating the one year anniversary of the blog, these are my lessons learned one year since I relaunched my personal blog.
Monday Inspiration: Brené Brown, Derek Sivers, Sheryl Sandberg, and More
Monday Inspiration: Links and quotes to empower you to live a courageous week ahead! Brene Brown, Derek Sivers, Sheryl Sandberg, and more.
Reading and the Life of the Mind
“Reading well…is thus not only a good in itself… It also serves to keep our minds alive and growing.” – Adler
How My Reading Habits Change
How my reading habits change as a result of reading more slowly, aiming to gain understanding and wisdom instead of speed.
After Learning: The Role of Reflection in Gaining Wisdom
Study to be smarter, Reflect to be wiser. Read to learn about the role of reflection in gaining wisdom. Tips included.
Einstein’s Birthday, Pi Day
It’s Einstein’s birthday and Pi day! Check out these links for some educational, nerdy programs to celebrate March 14.
Gravitational Waves, MIT Letter, Why We Do Science
Today, the National Science Foundation, MIT, and Caltech made the announcement that they have detected gravitational waves for the first time, confirming Einstein’s theory from 100 years ago.
How to Save Money on Audible Membership
Tips on how to save money on Audible membership during sign up and after you’ve become a member.
Introducing Josephine’s Letter
Introducing Josephine’s Letter, a free e-letter filled with books, quotes, and interesting articles from the web straight to your inbox. Sign up here!
Before Learning: The Role of Awe in Life and Learning
What takes places before learning? There must be an initial inequality between the learner and the teacher. Here we explore the role of awe in life and learning.
Reading for Wisdom: Going Back to the Basics
Why I don’t have a book goal this year. Reading for wisdom requires a slow pace and deliberations. Also introducing How to Read a Book by Mortimer Adler.
Knowing Good and Evil
I envy little kids. Especially when they laugh. Or even when they’re distressed, I envy their full trust when their parents and protectors say that everything will be OK. By now millions around the world have seen the very touching conversation between a father...