Feb 25, 2011 | Faith
The wooden board was shaking, but strangely you were able to sleep. In a distance, you could half-hear rumbles and grumbles, but your tiredness was more overwhelming than the noise, so you opted to just stay under the blanket. A crescendo of a certain thumping sound happened next, and here was your wake-up call,
“What are you doing here, you sleeper? Get up, and cry out to your God, so we don’t die!”
Your sleepiness vanished instantly when you saw the gravity of the situation. It looked like the wind was going to break the ship! You witnessed the terror on the face of men who would soon face death. The waves towered over the sails, angry thunders roared.
The thought dawned on you. Could this be…your fault?
You, who had been running away.
Someone wanted to cast lots. Maybe they would find the answer that way.
For a while you had been sleeping. People were dying, and somehow you slept. For a while you had been running away from destiny.
But now, the question is raised again, who will do the work? Who will finish the work?
The lot has been cast, and it falls on you.
It’s time to plunge deep into the water.
Dec 3, 2010 | Faith, Life Reflections
Thy coming brings sweetness to the air
Clouds of peace overwhelm my soul
And I am at rest
I lay aside grievous burdens
To bask in the glory of fellowship
Heaven and earth in perfect communion
And something magical happens inside me
The thought of you departing troubles my heart
Though our time together is ever memorable
Linger, please, I plead
But you must depart
Thankfully, for only a short season
So I go again, longingly
Until six sunsets pass, and we meet again
Nov 4, 2010 | Life Reflections
How is it
That we bask in comfort
While others gasp for air
At the edge of the cliff
Between death and life
How is it
That we fuss over petty things
While some hearts beat furiously
Fleeing the rush of that
Which the earth spews
How is it
That we nurse selfish ambitions
While many are robbed from choice
No luxury of thinking about tomorrow
Only to not drown now
O dear God
Give us eyes that see
Heaven’s view of earth’s distress
Give us the heart that feels
The anguish of our brothers
Help our lives today
Be a soothing balm for Your pain
If I could by my way
Bring a smile to Your face
Dedicated to those affected by the recent tsunami and on-going volcanic eruptions in Indonesia.