Thinking Better
Essays on how to think better.
Between Jerusalem and Athens
Between Jerusalem and Athens is a 7-part essay series on worldviews. It’s a response to seeing a siloed world; a quest for integration.
Theoretical Dichotomies: When Either-Or Thinking Gets You Nowhere
Theoretical analyses can simplify too much and forget the messy reality they come from. Read more about the downfalls of either-or thinking.
A Child of East and West, Part 2
As an Eastern living in the West, I see myself as a child of East and West. This is part 2 of my story through the lens of these world cultures.
A Child of East and West, Part 1
As an Eastern living in the West, I see myself as a child of East and West. This is my story through the lens of these world cultures.
Asian and Western Minds, Part 2: How They Differ
This is part 2 on how Asian and Western minds differ, summarizing the key findings from Richard Nisbett’s social psychology studies.
Asian and Western Minds, Part 1: Why They Differ
In an interesting series of social psychology studies, Richard Nisbett outlines why and how asian and western minds differ. This is part 1.
Hindsight Bias: When Experience Works Against You
Hindsight bias: the belief that past events were more predictable than they were before they happened. See how hindsight’s not always 20/20.
How To Be An Excellent Student
Tips on how to be an excellent student, who is not just smart, but wise, knowing how to contextualize knowledge and use it in life.
After Learning: The Role of Reflection in Gaining Wisdom
Study to be smarter, Reflect to be wiser. Read to learn about the role of reflection in gaining wisdom. Tips included.
Wonder and Fear: Thinking Two Thoughts at Once
The art of thinking two thoughts at once. In the wonders of living, experiences that seemingly contradict each other can co-exist.
Excellence: Why It Matters
Not only excellence makes good business sense, it also enhances people’s experiences and fulfills our lives.
Before Learning: The Role of Awe in Life and Learning
What takes places before learning? There must be an initial inequality between the learner and the teacher. Here we explore the role of awe in life and learning.